Ruben Alpizar is a Cuban artist of academic training with an admirable mastery of painting technique.

Postmodern dimension in which his work enrolls is recognized in the marked intertextuality that is noticed in his creations.

His work recycles and tells the history of art in an exercise of constant revisiting of neo-historicist aura.

His appropriation of icons and images turned into symbols is constant in his creative world as well as the burlesque and festive treatment of relationships that characterize Contemporary Universal Culture.

Claudia Taboada Churchman

Ruben Alpizar es un artista cubano de formación académica con un dominio admirable de la técnica pictórica.

La dimensión posmoderna en la que se inscribe su obra se reconoce en la marcada intertextualidad que invariablemente se aprecia en sus creaciones.

Su obra recicla y refiere la propia historia del arte en un ejercicio de revisitación constante de aura neohistoricista.

Su apropiación de iconos e imágenes devenidas en símbolos, es constante en su mundo creativo, así como el tratamiento burlesco y festivo de las relaciones que caracterizan la Cultura Contemporánea Universal.

Claudia Taboada Churchman